Legal and Corporate Consultancy Services
Our Firm is able to follow and support customers in all phases of corporate life, starting from the selection of the best corporate model to adopt, to the implementation, verification and evaluation of the entire corporate control system.
Our Firm’s professionals offer customers a complete portfolio of services that cover all tax and legal aspects vital to the company, both during the establishment phase, as well as during the management of ordinary and extraordinary activities:
Support in the choice of a suitable corporate model;
Consulting and assistance in managing relations between partners;
Company establishment and drafting of charters, statutes and shareholders’ agreements;
Establishment and management of innovative start-ups and SMEs;
Drafting of contracts and private agreements;
Assistance and consultancy services, both legal and accounting related, during extraordinary transactions such as acquisitions, transfers, transformations, mergers, liquidations, demergers and corporate restructuring;
Assistance during negotiations and with transfers of shares and business groups;
Business succession and generational change;
Expert assessments and appraisals of companies, businesses and assets;
Statutory Auditor and Auditor activities in Joint Stock Companies and Cooperatives;
Legal and accounting due diligence;